First, Here's my do/don't do list:
I finally got back into the habit of going to the gym 5 - 6 times a week. I have gone twice since Feb 14.
I finally cleaned out my garage so I could have a place to do my art, took lots of stuff to storage, threw lots of stuff away. I can barely find my way from the front to the back of my garage now, it's full of stuff that needs to go to storage.
I started an art blog to motivate me to produce some stuff and get it out there...or at least post it on my blog. I haven't produced a piece worth posting since ???
I picked out a great color to paint my bedroom. The paint can (plastic w/handle) sat in my closet so long that something heavy fell on it and broke the lid. Its now in the kitchen covered with foil. I don't want to put it out in the garage (see above), my bedroom is still unpainted.
Everyday I discover something I should/could do and add it to my list......
Here's my excuse:
My stupid right hand is in a cast!!!
My solution:
I get it off Thursday!!!!! more excuses ! -)