As some of you know, I recently fell and hurt my right hand. For those of you who didn't know, I recently fell and hurt my right hand.
The day before my aforementioned fall, I attended my first ATC gathering (Artists Trading Cards), where I met many wonderful artists and...well...traded cards with them....
It works like this: 20 or so artists meet the 2
nd wed. of each month at Mesa Coffee (on the Mesa) and bring 20 original art cards (2.5"x3.5") that they made, and trade them with the others. The gathering is just what I have been needing, a chance to share my art and
acquire some wonderful
pieces to collect As you would any trading cards, you fill a binder, filled with plastic sleeves, with some great
one of a kind artworks!
So back to ME...after coming home from the ER, right hand in cast, it
occurred to me that I might have cut my
ATC trading short...not being able to draw with my LEFT hand...
soooo I sat down and began the very arduous task of learning to draw with my left hand...
This was the result of my first attempts....I was rather proud of myself....
Within 24 hours, and
alot of left-hand cramping I produced this: OBTW, any of you that know Erica, might know about her pup Clementine, who also has a cast on her "hand", so I dedicated my first drawings to her, affectionately know as "Miss Tiny".

So...this final attempt produced my contribution to the March ATC meeting...Aptly named "Everything Left".